IdeBahasa <p><a href=";user=mDQYH-AAAAAJ">;user=mDQYH-AAAAAJ</a><a href=";user=mDQYH-AAAAAJ">;hl=id&amp;oi=ao</a>Journal of language, literature, and language learning in various languages.</p> en-US (Ambalegin) (Tomi Arianto) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 15:18:33 +0000 OJS 60 THE AMERICAN ENGLISH ACCENT: PHONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS <p>This research aims at identifying the American English accents produced by the Americans. The American phonation was taken from Thomas’ book, An Introduction to the Phonetics of American English. This qualitative research took the data from the English speeches spoken by the famous Americans on YouTube. This research applied the observational method to collect the data, and a phonological approach, identity method, and articulatory phonetic identification to analyze the data. It is identified that the Americans have true [t], flap [t]. held [t], and vanishing [t]. The dark [l] and the light [l] are also articulated. The Americans pronounce the bunched [ɹ] and R-colored vowels, and they drop the final [r]. The article a is pronounced as /e/, /ɒ/ is pronounced as /ɑ:/, and /ɑ:/ is pronounced as /æ/. The letter &lt;o&gt; is pronounced as [oʊ].</p> Ambalegin Ambalegin, Afriana Afriana, Nurma Dhona Handayani Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TUTURAN CAMPUR KODE CINTA LAURA DAN MAUDY AYUNDA DALAM PODCAST BICARA CINTA: KAJIAN SOSIOLINGUISTIK <p><em>This research aims to analyze the form of code mixing used in Cinta Laura and Maudy Ayunda's speech in the "Bicara Cinta" podcast, as well as identifying the factors behind the use of code mixing using sociolinguistic studies. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, considering that the data analyzed is in the form of text and not numbers. The data collection technique used in this research is the observe and observe technique. The research data is in the form of dialogue excerpts in the form of words or sentences from the podcast. The data analysis technique used is qualitative discourse analysis technique. The research results show that from the 36 quotes explained, there are four forms of code mixing identified, namely: Intra-Sentential Code-Mixing, Inter-Sentential Code-Mixing, Tag-Switching, and Intra-Word Code-Mixing. Apart from that, this research also reveals several factors that influence the use of code mixing in their speech. These factors include role factors, variety factors, speaker factors, language factors, factors and the desire to explain and interpret. This research provides deeper insight into code-mixing patterns in informal communication and can be used as a reference to learn more about the use of mixed language in further contexts and different cultures.</em></p> Raisa Fidela, Dedy Ari Asfar, Agus Syahrani Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 14:41:30 +0000 THE ASSERTIVE ACTS IN SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME MOVIE <p>This qualitative research aimed at finding out the assertive acts. To fulfill the objective of this research, the researchers used Searle and Vanderveken’s theory about assertive acts. The theory was applied to the “Spider-man No Way Home” movie as the data source. The movie was chosen because the characters mostly uttered the truth about the hero’s struggles in the movie. In collecting the data, the researchers applied the observational method. This method was used to observe the use of language based on the context of an utterance and it was followed by a note-taking technique to get valid data. In analyzing the data, the researchers used the pragmatic identity method followed by the pragmatic competence in equalizing technique. This technique aimed to equalize the data with the theory pragmatically. Finally, the result was displayed narratively and descriptively. The researchers discovered twenty-three out of thirty-two acts of assertiveness. The acts were asserting, affirming, stating, denying, assuring, arguing, informing, reminding, objecting, predicting, reporting, suggesting, insisting, hypothesizing, guessing, swearing, admitting, confessing, accusing, blaming, praising, complaining, and boasting. The researchers did not find any claiming, disclaiming, rebutting, notifying, retrodicting, conjecturing, testifying, criticizing, or lamenting. The most frequently appeared was informing act. Characters' utterances contained more social meaning in conveying information to the interlocutors. The utterances were not only uttered by the speakers, who were the ones who got the effect, but also by the hearers. The utterances occurred because it was based on a situation that caused the speaker to express the statements</p> Fatizatulo Zega, Ambalegin Ambalegin, Tomi Arianto Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 14:53:04 +0000 EGALITARIANISME : ANALISIS WACANA FILM BARBIE THE MOVIE DAN KETERKAITANNYA TERHADAP FEMINISME-MASKUNILISME TOXIC <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis wacana film “<em>Barbie The Movie</em>” dan keterkaitannya dengan konsep egalitarianisme serta pengaruhnya terhadap feminisme dan maskulinisme <em>toxic</em>. Kemudin penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis wacana kritis <em>Fairclough</em> untuk mengkaji struktur teks, narasi, dialog dan pesan dalam film “<em>Barbie The Movie</em>”. Data dalam penelitian ini disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif yang menggambarkan adegan-adegan dan dialog dalam film yang mencerminkan konsep egalitarianisme, feminisme, maskulinisme dan maskulinisme <em>toxic.</em> Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa “<em>Barbie The Movie</em>” mengandung elemen egalitarianisme melalui representasi kesetaraan gender di berbagai adegan, seperti penggambaran kesetaraan hak antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Selain itu film ini tidak hanya mengeksplorasi tentang perjuangan kesetaraan gender melalui karakter <em>Barbie</em>, tetapi juga menggambarkan dinamika kompleks antara feminisme dan maskulinisme <em>toxic</em>.</p> Warniar Nurdin, Gustia Evyanasari Indah, Arini Junaeny Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPOLITENESS UTTERANCES EXPRESSED BY GORDON RAMSAY IN "HELL'S KITCHEN" REALITY SHOW <p>This study investigated several Impoliteness utterances expressed by Gordon Ramsay in "Hell's Kitchen" reality show. This study used descriptive qualitative analysis to categorize the data. Observational methods and taking a note were applied to collect the data by Sudaryanto. Following that, the data were analyzed using the competence - in equalizing technique and the Pragmatic Identity Method to examine the data in context. Impoliteness contained five strategies. There were 33 impoliteness strategies in the data. sixteen data of bald on record Impoliteness. nine data of negative impoliteness. four data of Positive Impoliteness. two data of sarcasm impoliteness. And two data of withhold impoliteness. Gordon Ramsay’s utterances in “Hell’s Kitchen” reality show mostly uttered bald on record impoliteness strategy. It was clear that the Gordon Ramsay as the speaker gave impoliteness comments by attacking the participants with unpleasant statements in the most direct</p> Chud Radeffy Azhari, Ambalegin Ambalegin, Tomi Arianto Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CHALLENGES IN INTERPRETING ENGLISH INTO INDONESIAN BY INDONESIAN INTERPRETERS <p><em>TThis study aims to discover the challenges in interpreting English into Indonesian. When the the source language (SL) speaker delivers a speech, and interpreters convey the meaning into the Indonesian language as target language (TL).&nbsp; This study used qualitative research method. Data were collected by using the interview, open-ended questions to obtain main data from the respondents. Respondents are Indonesian interpreters in Indonesia as they have more than five years of experience in interpreting. The collected data are transcribed and deeply analyzed, grouped and compared with the different and similar data to recent research results, explained by using words and texts and applied a table to display the results of challenges English in interpreting. The results of this research indicate the challenges English in interpreting. First, the most challenging faced by interpreters is long talks. Second, the lack of pronunciation is more challenging to record all words pronounced from the speech. And the third, topic mastery is the basic challenging as the source of materials are not available and there is not much time to approach the speakers’ source language (SL).</em></p> Fasaaro Hulu, Ambalegin Ambalegin Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Tue, 02 Jul 2024 14:04:20 +0000 IMPOLITENESS STRATEGIES USED BY NETIZENS TOWARDS TASYI ATHASYIA ON INSTAGRAM <p>Social media sites like Instagram, let people communicate worldwide, share ideas and opinions, and keep up with current affairs, have become an essential part of people’s everyday life in the current digital era. However, with the increasing use of Instagram, there has been a noticeable rise in impoliteness and incivility in online communication as the anonymity that social media provides has emboldened individuals to express opinions that they might not typically voice in person encounters.&nbsp; This study aims to analyze the impoliteness strategies used by netizen on account tasyiiathasyia’s posting on Instagram. The design of this study is qualitative method. This study used observational method and non-participatory technique. The data was obtained on Instagram from tweets written by netizens then collected and analyzed by using Culpeper Theory (1996). The results, there are five impoliteness that discussed in this study, there are 2 data that related to bald on record impoliteness, 3 data positive impoliteness, 1 data negative impoliteness, 4 data sarcasm or mock impoliteness and no data related to withhold politeness.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Afriana Afriana, Zia Hisni Mubarak Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 “HUA MULAN” IN CHINESE PHILOSOPHY: A STUDY OF THE DISNEY FILM MULAN (2020) <p>One of the popular heroines from a Chinese legend in a movie produced by Disney Film is Hua Mulan which also plays a significant role in inspiring audiences around the world. This qualitative research aims at identifying the images displayed by the main character Hua Mulan in the action movie Mulan (2020) from the Chinese philosophical perspective and explaining the attractiveness of the film from a popular culture perspective. The primary data were gathered through careful observation of the main Chinese heroine character Hua Mulan from film scenes. They were then analyzed by using Barthes’ semiotic theory to conceptualize the depiction of the character from the Chinese philosophical perspective and to relate it to the elements of popular culture. The study revealed that Hua Mulan could signify the value of filial piety and courage, particularly in the perspective of Chinese philosophy. From a popular culture view, the legendary characterization of Hua Mulan was the main attraction to draw audience’s attention, especially those who expected to see the Chinese heroine in a colossal action movie played by popular actors.</p> Rudy Rudy Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Understanding Literacy Level in Vocational Schools in Padang Pariaman Regency <p>Responding to the low interest among Indonesian students has prompted the government to formulate strategic policies to guarantee the future success of national education. One of the strategies is emphasizing the establishment of literacy programs at schools. This research is expected to see the execution of the program and find out the obstacles in handling the program. The subjects of this research were the literacy teams of the schools that consist of the administrators, the teachers, and the principals of the vocational schools in Padang Pariaman Regency. Ten schools, both private and public, were selected as the focus of this study. The data was collected through interviews and observations through the stages of implementing the literacy movement guidelines from Kemdikbud. The result showed that the literacy movement in Padang Pariaman regency was still at the habituation level and needed further government’ attention. The obstacles were found from the lack of the headmaster and the teams’ understanding in comprehending the movement. Hence, the government needs to do accompaniment to implement the program successfully.</p> Hilma Pami Putri Copyright (c) 2024 IdeBahasa Thu, 25 Jul 2024 02:50:13 +0000